Howdy there folks and folkettes. I have just returned from a much needed week cruising around the Carribean with my girlfriend and happy to report that vacation was exactly as it should be...relaxing and fun. It was the first consecutive 7 days I've spent without a cell phone since `99 and it was quite liberating to say the least. Not that I didn't miss all you kind and charming internet peeps, but it was extremely therapeutic being able to spend a week as a humble tourist and getting drunk in foreign countries. I got to hear a bunch of Texas Country cover songs, gamble, tour the brewery for the national beer of Belize, drink said beer, take pictures, eat good food, compare facial hair with a sea lion, and, in a word, relax.
But I'm back now. And
Originally, we were supposed to have both last weekend AND this weekend off, but fate and the country music gods had other plans. Instead of a big empty spot on the calendar for this weekend, we're going to be takin' the show to a few Oklahoma casino's to open up for...
Wait...are you ready for this?
Bocephus. The bouncing baby boy of one of my favorite songwriters of all time. Friday Night at the Lucky Star Casino in Concho, OK (about an hour west of OKC down I-40) and Saturday Night at the First Council Casino in Newkirk, OK, we Damn Quails will be opening for Hank Williams Jr. It's going to be a hellaciously cool couple of nights and you'll be kicking yourself if you miss out.
We're pumped about this show, folks. There's lots of folks coming out to these shows, so get some tickets and get your asses there. Find out details on, the Absolutely Positively Most Officialest of Official website of the Damn Quails ever to exist on the internets.
See what I did there?
In other big news, Biggie finally got a damn iPhone, which means Biggie is finally on the damn Twitter. I've been after him for years to start one, and the day has finally come. Now you can get the inside scoop on the innermost personal thoughts and Indiana Jones references of our beloved and kick ass harp guru. Follow him up on Twitter @notTHEbiggie and prepare yourself for hilarity. Biggie and I took it upon ourselves to record the very first Damn Quails podcast in true Red Leader/Blue Leader style...driving down the highway on a damn iPhone. It should be up in the next week or two, and you definitely don't want to miss this low-rent gem of 30 minutes in the car with two weird bastards.
Next week, we're heading back to one of our very favorite cities in Texas for a show at the Office in Lubbock. The crowd and the staff never disappoint and we're always pumped about getting another night there. I'm totally hitting up the Buddy Holly Museum again. I'll try and convince Biggie to roll with me and see what kind of iPhone internet shenanigans we can get away with before they kick us out. Then we're driving all the way out to Queen, New Mexico for a private event and hopefully a chance to palaver with our old pal and New Mexico resident and singer/songwriter extraordinaire Don Conoscenti. Looking forward to getting back in the groove and on the highway. Keep an eye on for more updates and shows and other whatsits. As per usual, you can find us online at Twitter (@thedamnquails) Facebook ( or Instagram (@thedamnquails) as well.
Catch you all down the road.
Bryon White/The Damn Quails